About This Website.

This website was created as a reference point for people interested in finding out more about, and the truth about, Six of One (the disgraced "Appreciation" Society for "The Prisoner" TV Series of the 1960s, starring Patrick McGoohan).

This website is not connected to any other website, or group, related to The Prisoner series.

Whilst several pages of this website date from 2003, most are updated each year, up to and including 2023, with fresh and new 'outrages' purpotrated by the organisers Six of One.

All of the information contained within this website is indisputable fact, based upon literature distributed by the Society itself both currently and in the past and upon evidence provided to by many of the individuals actually involved in the incidents as they took place. The content has been 'legally ratified'.

It would not be wise to trust any source of information concerning Six of One which comes direct from the coordination team of the society, you will often not get an honest view from the Society itself.

Founded in 1977, Six of One (The Prisoner Appreciation Society) soon became World-renowned for the quality of its mailings, information, events, and merchandise and for over 20 years was the pride of TV fandom. However, events of recent times have made the Society a shameful version of its former self. Despicable, immoral and illegal acts perpetrated by members of the coordination team of the Society has led to countless numbers of long-standing members quitting the Society in disgust.

The creators of this website number many. With countless "Prisoner" fans each year thanking this website for its existance, it is therefore updated each year with each new example of 'low moral behaviour' which is still occurring year-on-year from the Society organisers.

This website acts as a right to reply to the treatment ordinary fans have suffered at the hands of the society, as well as a permanent reply to the yellow document, and other documents and lies from the society, which are both factually incorrect and misleading, and other documents and websites issued by the Society which include incorrect content, and provides information to potential members not aware of the ongoing into 2023 behaviour of the Society so that they can make up their own minds with both "sides" of the story at their disposal.

In the 20 years since the launch of this website, no part of this website's factual content has been disputed. If you have an interesting story to tell about your experiences with Six of One, please get in touch. An increasing number of readers' points of view can be seen HERE.

Feel free to also get in touch if you are a coordinator, or member, of Six of One. Unlike the coordination team and their "yellow document", this website is fair-minded and encourages a "right to reply" system. Any interesting comments will, of course, be added to this website HERE.




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WEBSITE LAUNCHED 15/11/2003 LAST UPDATED 22/02//2023

The Prisoner TV series is copyright ITV Studios Limited. This website does not wish to infringe upon any of its rights.

Be seeing you.